1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This policy defines what constitutes acceptable use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources of the Trench Town Polytechnic College.
The Trench Town Polytechnic College is an institution of higher education, dedicated to education, scholarship and the pursuit of knowledge. The College’s ICT resources are provided, operated and maintained for the use of members of staff, registered students and other authorized persons in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Trench Town Polytechnic College in teaching, learning, research and outreach.
Users of the College’s ICT resources have access to sensitive data and external networks. Consequently, it is important that they use these resources in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. In general, acceptable use means an accountable, rational and appropriate exercise of a freedom to use while respecting the rights of other computer users, the integrity of the College’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and all pertinent licence and contractual agreements.
1.2 Scope
This policy covers all aspects of the ICT resources of the College of the West Indies wherever located. The policy is binding on all users of the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s ICT resources, be they staff, students or otherwise.
1.3 College Information & Communication Technology Resources
The ICT resources of the Trench Town Polytechnic College include, but are not limited to, all items of
Networking equipment, services and facilities
Communication equipment, services and facilities
Data and information
owned, leased, or loaned, by the Trench Town Polytechnic College or its agents, irrespective of where these items may be located. Access to Trench Town Polytechnic College ICT resources is conditional on the observance of this policy.
Examples of these ICT resources include, but are not limited to:
Central computing facilities
Financial and other enterprise applications
The Campus Area Network (CAN)
Internet and Intranet Web servers
Public computing facilities
Learning and teaching platforms and systems
2. Acceptable Use
College information systems are to be used solely for College-related business, inclusive of teaching and learning processes. However, personal use of computers may be permitted if, and only if, such use conforms to the general College regulations and do not interfere with College operations, degrade its goodwill or negatively impact intended learning outcomes of students or performance of duties by employees.
3. Unacceptable Use
Use of the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s ICT resources is a privilege extended by the College to its staff, registered students and others. Any use of the ICT resources of the Trench Town Polytechnic College will be considered an unacceptable use if it:
Conflicts with the aims and objectives of the Trench Town Polytechnic College
Breaches any statute or ordinance of the Trench Town Polytechnic College
Could result in legal action being taken against the College of the West Indies
Violates national laws.
Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to:
Intentionally circumventing or compromising the security controls or integrity of the College ICT resources or any other computer or communication network resource connected to it.
Intentionally denying access to or interfering with any network resources, including spamming, jamming and crashing any computer.
Using or accessing any College ICT resource information or data, without proper authorisation, or in a manner inconsistent with the authorisation.
Using the College ICT resources to attack computers, accounts, or other users by launching viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other attacks on computers in the College or elsewhere.
Conducting commercial activity not duly approved in writing by the College.
Using the College’s ICT resources to misrepresent or impersonate someone else.
Using the College’s ICT resources for any purpose which the College deems obscene or offensive.
4. Penalties for Unacceptable Use
Where there is evidence of unacceptable use, the College may restrict or prohibit the use of its ICT resources. Violations of this policy shall be treated in accordance with applicable College Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations.
User Acceptance
All users of the ICT resources of the Trench Town Polytechnic College are required to sign this document, or otherwise signify acceptance of this policy, and thereby commit to abide by its provisions. This document covers the ICT resources of the College of the West Indies, which include, but are not limited to:
Networking equipment, services and facilities;
Learning and teaching platforms and systems;
Communication equipment, services and facilities;
Data and information.
I understand that the Trench Town Polytechnic College provides, operates and maintains its ICT resources to support its instructional, research, and administrative activities.
I understand that my assigned access credentials (including user names, passwords and PINs) identify and allow my access to the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s ICT resources and that I am accountable for the secrecy of my access credentials. I also accept that I am responsible for all actions committed through the use of my access credentials.
I understand the Trench Town Polytechnic College has the right to access, impound and search any of its ICT resources at any time and for any reason, including determining compliance with College, Campus or other information security requirements.
I will comply with the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s Acceptable Use Policy and accept that as a user of the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s ICT resources I have a responsibility for the security of those resources. To the best of my ability I will protect the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s ICT resources from unauthorized use, modification, destruction or disclosure, whether accidental or intentional. I agree to be bound by the current version of the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s Acceptable Use Policy, which will be freely available to the College community.
I understand that abuse of these requirements, and others which may be declared in the future, may result in disciplinary and/or legal action.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the Trench Town Polytechnic College’s Acceptable Use Policy and this User Acceptance of Security Responsibility and agree to be bound by the conditions herein.